Time Management Online 1


I have only just a minute,
Only sixty seconds in it.

Forced upon me, can’t refuse it.
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it.
But it’s up to me to use it.

I must suffer if I lose it.
Give account if I abuse it.

Just a tiny little minute,
but eternity is in it.

– Anonymous


What About YOU?

In the past month, have you felt stress  because of pressures and deadlines?

Have you wished you had more time?

  • Come to understand where to begin
  • Then use your greatest asset…  Your Mind!

Let’s Learn…

  1. Scheduling for goal achievement
  2. Maximizing critical areas
  3. Putting priorities in order
  4. Understanding the time audit
  5. Managing overload
  6. Adding balance to life


  1. Getting Started
  2. Preparing for Results
  3. Staying on Track

Additional Information

Have you ever told someone…  “I didn’t have time?”

What is the truth?

  • 60 seconds in a minute
  • 60 minutes in an hour
  • 24 hours in a day
  • It can’t be saved
  • We all have exactly the same amount

 The Critical Point

What we each do with our time is very different.



    Now consider the change of #4. “I need to/must/have to…”
    Consider selecting a replacement word:

    • I choose to or choose not to
    • will (add deadline) or will not

    The very thought of our needs being a choice is liberating. Our mind is our greatest asset in time management. Choose to build your liberation with time.

      Step 1: Your World, Your Time - Individual Brainstorming. Identify below a list of tasks and activities that you want and/or need to complete. Be creative and generate a large number of ideas. Defer judgment and evaluation until later. Step 2: What’s Really Important? Review the list above and ask yourself, “Which of these items represents a task and/or activity that is of high importance or of top value to me?” Copy and paste 3-6 items from above that you think or feel are of the greatest importance to you. Step 3: What are the five (5) most important (high value and significant) aspects of your work? Step 4: Identify Your Top Distracters and Interruptions…

      Keep your answers in mind and reflect on how they change through the week.

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