Time Management Online 4

 There are events we can control but we believe we can’t.
 There are events we cannot control but we believe we can.
 If one fails to control the events in one’s life then the events in one’s life will control you.

Key Principles
1. The item we have the greatest control over is our self.
2. The basic element of time is a moment.
3. Connected and related moments become an event.
4. The key to managing how our time is spent is moment management.

“I’m in a hurry to get things done. Oh, rushing and rushing till life’s no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, but I’m in a hurry and don’t know why.”
— Alabama, Greatest Hits

Tips for Change
Establish and reinforce new healthful behavior by…
1. Identifying what you want to establish.
2. Carefully define the behavior you wish to establish.
3. Ask other people to help your new behavior.
4. Begin the new behavior as strongly as possible.
5. Stay with the behavior until it is feels natural and firmly established.
6. Recognize that relapse to unhealthful behaviors is natural.
7. Have a plan to quickly re-establish the behavior you want to establish.

How to Stick With Change…
1. Keep a positive attitude
2. Focus on short-range actions
3. Keep it simple
4. Reward positive steps
5. Forgive and bounce back
6. Motivate and reward yourself

    My Contract for Change
    "Inch by inch life's a cinch, yard by yard life's too hard."

    Freedom is the knowledge and ability to choose our own responses. Harmful habits can become a prison of frustration and setbacks in our success.
    Small steps to change can lead to dramatic, life-long improvements in our personal success. Make a personal commitment to yourself below.

    1. How would I like to see my success level changed (e.g., what do I want to do more of and less of)?

    Improvement Goals. In the fields below write the specific behavior you will work on and make a few notes on your improvement strategy.

    Improvement Goal #1

    Improvement Goal #2


    Additional Resources
    This is life – and it is passing. What are we waiting for?
    – Richard L. Evans

    Have the day of your choice!


    Managing Time Wasters

    Time Waster – Visitor Interruptions
    Possible Causes – Enjoyment of socializing and
    Inability to say no
    Solutions – 

    Do it elsewhere; meet visitors outside; suggest lunch and coffee; hold stand-up conferences
    Screen; say no; be unavailable; modify the open-door policy

    Time Waster – Telephone/Interruptions
    Possible Causes – Lack of self-discipline,
    Desire to be informed and involved
    Desire to be informed and involved and organization,
    Solutions – 
    Screen and group; be brief,
    Stay uninvolved with all but essentials; manage by exception
    “Batch” and return messages at planned or predetermined time of day.
    Leave detailed messages; ask if someone else can help; suggest a good time to reach you; ask if there is a good time to reach the other person.

    Time Waster – Lack of Delegation
    Possible Causes – Fear of inadequacy of others,
    Fear of competence,
    Work overload on others
    Solutions – Train; allow mistakes.
    Delegate fully; give credit; insure growth to maintain challenge.
    Balance the workload; staff up; re-order priorities.

    Time Waster – Meetings
    Possible Causes – Fear of responsibility for decisions
    Over communication
    Poor leadership
    Solutions – Make decisions without meetings
    Make decisions even when some facts are missing
    Discourage unnecessary meetings; convene only those needed
    Use agendas; stick to the subject; prepare concise minutes as soon as possible

    Here are five of the biggest email time savers…

    1. Write strong subject lines (nouns and verbs work well). Some folks use the subject line as the entire message, inserting “EOM” for “end of message” at the conclusion. For example, Subject: Staff meeting cancelled today – EOM
    2. Reply only to those who will benefit. Avoid “Reply to All” unless it is absolutely necessary. It’s best to hand-pick the appropriate individuals and send a reply only to them.
    3. Minimize use of “Urgent …Receipt Required.” Over use of “Urgent” causes it to lose its impact.
    4. Keep emails short, brief, clear and direct. People appreciate concise and simple email. Keep it to the point.
    5. Keep a clean in-box. Use your in-box as a landing strip for incoming email. As you receive new messages, deal with it as soon as possible, file or delete. Remember the “one-touch” rule.

    Books & Materials
    Covey, Stephen R. First Things First, New York: Simon & Schuyster, 1994.
    Morgenstern, Julie. Time Management from the Inside Out, New York: Henry Hold and Company, LLC., 2000.
    Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy, www.simpletruths.com/movies
    Goals by Gary Ryan Blair, www.simpletruths.com/movies
    The Dash by Linda Ellis and MacAnderson, www.simpletruths.com/movies
    Alexander, Roy. Common Sense Time Management. Amacom, 1992.
    Scott, Dru. How to Put More Time in Your Life. Signet, 1980.
    Lakein, Alan. How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life. New York: New American Library, 1974.
    Mackenzie, R. Alec. The Time Trap. New York: McGrawiHill, 1975.
    “A shift of the mind: doing things right gets efficiency, but doing the right things gets effectiveness.”
    — Unknown


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