Facilitation Skills

1 Full Day or 2 Full Days

In today’s business environment, teams and work groups play a critical role in the life of the organization. Empowering employees, teams, and groups—and generating innovative solutions to complex problems—requires a leader with facilitation skills. If you are leading a committee, work group, or meeting, this course will provide you with the tools that you need to help the group achieve its goals.

This training is organized around the competency areas that define an effective facilitator. It covers proven techniques for starting meetings on the right foot, and practical methods for handling challenging group situations. Other areas include a diagnostic approach to identify problems and make early interventions to ensure the success of the group.

Course Objectives:

  • Define role of facilitator
  • Develop creative techniques for starting a team meeting
  • Identify key facilitation principles
  • Facilitate team dialogue and conflict/problem solving skills
  • Intervene early to resolve distractions
  • Define the process needs of a group
  • Facilitate a meeting effectively and efficiently
  • Help the group define its goal and develop strategies for reaching the goal
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