Program Services
We provide the following services to help you and your organization grow and reach full potential:
- Coaching— Personalizes help and support for individuals handling challenging situations, learning new skills, and working to change behaviors.
- Competency Identification — Identifies skills, knowledge, and personal traits needed for success in a particular function, and evaluates and reports on performance indicators to signal adjustments needed for success.
- Customization — Modifies program exercises, role-plays and text materials specific to any industry.
- Design — Develops meetings, programs, written materials, and events for specific business cultures and environments.
- Facilitation — Leads group process toward problem solving, strategic planning and team building.
- Presentations — Delivers lively and interesting programs as part of a training curriculum, conference, trade show, and staff development events.
- Organizational Development — Provides group and individual intervention to within a framework for organizational change.
Program Formats
Programs are interactive. Participants brainstorm, role play, discuss, problem solve, self-assess, and reflect. A variety of activities are used with each program to keep participants engaged.
Partial List of Key Note Presentations
- Child Care Conference, Carroll Community College, Speaker for 10 years
- NSA, “Customer Service”
- GSA, “Writing for the Professional”
- Washington Navy Yard, “Motivating Employees to Give Their Best”
- HHSU, “Briefings and Presentation Skills”
- GPO, “Cashing in on Creativity”
- TSA, “Office Politics”